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Lotto Wheeler


Lotto Wheeler lets you generate your own wheels, completely independent from Lotto Sorcerer's suggestions.

How to Invoke

Use menu item "Utilities > Wheels > Lotto Wheeler" .

Basic Procedure

  1. Choose the wheel you want to work with in the "Choose Wheel" dropdown menu
  2. Enter the seeds for the wheel in the text box in the "Parameters" tab
  3. Click the "Fill Wheel" button
  4. When finished, the generated wheel will be visible in the "Results" tab

Window Controls

"Parameters" Tab: "Choose Wheel" pulldown menu

Use this control to select a wheel. If you do not find a wheel you want, you can create your own wheel (or edit an existing wheel) use menu item "Utilities > Wheels > Wheel Creator" or "Utilities > Wheels > Wheel Editor" , respectively.

"Parameters" Tab: "Fill" button

This button starts the generation of the wheel.

"Parameters" Tab: "Clear" button

This button clears the Seed boxes.

"Results" Tab: "Copy" button

This copies the generated wheel to the System Clipboard.

"Results" Tab: "Save" button

This button saves the wheel to a text file.

"Results" Tab: "Print" button

This prints the wheel to your printer.